BodyWise Chiropractic of Redmond

Body Sculpting in Redmond

Welcome to BodyWise Chiropractic of Redmond, Oregon – where your journey to holistic health and wellness begins with our expert care.

How Body Sculpting Works

Tite (Bipolar RF)

A technology utilizing bipolar radiofrequency energy to tighten and improve the skin’s appearance.

Tone (EMS)

This mode employs electrical muscle stimulation to mimic involuntary muscle contractions, effectively toning muscles

Bipolar RF and EMS

This treatment uniquely combines Bipolar Radiofrequency (RF) for deep tissue heating and EMS to stimulate muscle contractions

What You Can Expect:

Personalized Body Sculpting – EvolveX is at the forefront of body sculpting technology, allowing us to offer tailored treatments that adapt to your individual body goals. Its versatility enables us to design a plan that targets your specific stubborn areas (we all know what those are), ensuring results that not only meet but exceed.

Synergistic Treatments for Enhanced Results – Our chiropractors leverage the EvolveX platform to offer a truly holistic approach to treatment. By integrating multiple modalities into each session, they can address a wide range of concerns with precision and expertise.

Efficient and Safe Sculpting Experience – At BodyWise Chiropractic, we prioritize your safety and comfort above all else. Our hands-free approach and smart technology ensure that your treatment sessions are not only effective but also incredibly safe.

EvolveX in the News

Unlock your potential and transform your life today!

Don’t wait any longer. Take action today and embark on an exciting journey to achieve your goals. Let us guide you through the process and help you get the body you’ve always wanted.

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